Ram Gopal Varma (RGV) has lashed out at Telugu actor Pawan Kalyan following the release of his film Katamarayudu. In a series of inflammatory tweets on Saturday night, the filmmaker taunted the actor, his family, and even likened him to the tyrannical Emperor Nero.
Pawan Kalyan’s daughter Aadhya turned seven the day Katamarayudu released. Consequently, Pawan spent the day with her and his former wife Renu Desai. RGV had a few words to say about this:
Making film in 30cr selling at 100cr taking in pocket 70cr n enjoying daughters’ bday is no less than Nero playing Fidel when Rome burning
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) March 25, 2017
A 50+ ith arried aughter atching orn is ore owerfully onest than elivering a owerless ilm n elebrating irthdays of two aughters ith two ives
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) March 25, 2017
His other tweets referenced Rajinikanth as the real superstar.
I heard Hollywood’s Disney,Fox nd Miramax are desperate to sign him after seeing KR but he only wants to power himself with the Sena of Jana
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) March 25, 2017
3 wives dint see KR cos they know 30 times more what KR is telling 300 times nd not telling 3000 times .dint understand cos am watching orn
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) March 25, 2017
Real ultimate power star is @superstarrajini who cares about exhibitors losing and returning money to them becos he failed to deliver
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) March 25, 2017
RGV has frequently criticised Pawan Kalyan and his political party Jana Sena. Early this year, Pawan Kalyan told the press that he had nothing more to say to RGV. “I will speak about Ram Gopal Varma once and for all and put an end to this. He is a 50-year-old guy with a daughter who got recently married. Why would I listen to a man who says he collects pornographic films at this age? He talks good and ill about me.”
Meanwhile, Katamarayudu has earned Rs 70 crores at the box-office, with even Telangana minister KT Rama Rao praising the film. Directed by Kishore Kumar Pardasani, the film stars Pawan Kalyan and Shruti Haasan and is the Telugu remake of the Tamil film Veeram (2014).
Feature Image: Economydecoded.com