Last week, Dangal actress Fatima Sana Sheik, got trolled for posing in a bikini for a photoshoot. She was slut-shamed for being “disrespectful” during the month of Ramadan. Speaking to DNA India, Masaan actress Richa Chadda said that women, no matter what, get trolled all the time.
“I am not aware of this controversy but I feel, [even] if she were an athlete or swimmer and if she had posted her picture, people would have had a problem with it. Women are trolled all the time, it is not because it’s the holy month of Ramadan or anything. Even on any other normal day if she had put [a] picture like this, there would have been horrible comments. People can only comment on things, so it shouldn’t matter much. I don’t think it is something to be discussed and media people should also be aware of that,” she said.
In the shoot, Sheik poses by the beach in a monokini. The offended commentators have said that the shoot is ill-timed and disrespects the holy Islamic month of Ramadan.
A couple of weeks ago, Priyanka Chopra too, was slut-shamed by social media users after she posted photos of herself with Indian PM Narendra Modi in Germany.
The actress was wearing a dress that revealed her legs, something that social media users decided to troll. She responded to haters with a photo of her and her mother showing off their legs.
Deepika Padukone also faced her share of trolling last week when photos of her from a recent magazine photoshoot did the rounds. Dressed in a white crop top and white high-waisted underwear, users as usual found it fitting to berate the actress for dressing up “inappropriately”.