Anushka Sharma’s debut as a producer – NH10 – is caught in the middle of a war of words between two factions of the Central Board of Film Certification. The Board had initially refused to certify the film citing the use of certain cuss words, but later relented after making nine cuts.
A Censor Board member Dr Chandraprakash Dwivedi has written a strongly-worded letter to Board chairman Pahlaj Nihalani, conveying his displeasure over the Board’s decision to cut profane words from the film. Dwivedi wrote in his letter that the decision is a breach of trust as the Board had decided that the list of banned words that was issued some weeks ago would not be implemented without “detailed discussion amongst the members of the board and the cross section of the society”.
“I have started feeling uncomfortable of being a part of an esteemed institution where, collective decision of the board is ignored or collective voice is unheard,” he wrote.
Dwivedi has also asked for an urgent meeting of the Board to address “several uncomfortable issues.”
NH10 starring Anushka Sharma, released on Friday.