Rockline Venkatesh will make his acting debut in Tamil shortly. The producer, responsible for films such as Lingaa, Mudinja Ivana Pudi, has been roped in to play a pivotal role in Bala’s Naachiyaar.
A spokesperson for Venkatesh confirmed this, “Venkatesh is a big fan of Bala’s work. So when he was asked to act in the project, he immediately agreed.”
This is by no means Venkatesh’s first tryst with the camera. Last year, he had a minor role in the Ram Gopal Varma film, Killing Veerappan.
Incidentally, in Bala’s earlier film Thara Thappattai, producer RK Suresh played the villain.
Naachiyaar features Jyothika, GV Prakash Kumar in lead roles. Music is by Ilaiyaraaja.
Pic: Indian Cinema Gallery