Actor Roshna, who played the role of a teacher in Omar Lulu’s Oru Adaar Love, is the latest crew member to comment about the controversy surrounding the movie. The actor corroborated Lulu’s claims saying that the script had to be reworked to accommodate a bigger screen time for Priya Prakash Varrier after her overnight success.
Varrier shot to fame with her wink in the song ‘Manikya Malaraaya Poovi’ from Oru Adaar Love. She became a national phenomenon. Subsequently, Lulu was asked by the producer to rewrite the script to accommodate more screen time for Priya Prakash Varrier, who until then was a supporting character. This also reduced the screen time for Noorin Sheriff, the original heroine.
Roshna commented on this saying, “Not just the heroine, but the plot itself had to be changed. It happened because of the adamant nature of some people. Noorin was supposed to play the female lead in the movie. But after the song became a hit, it was decided that Priya should be made the heroine, and the director was pressured to alter the story accordingly. This upset director Omar Lulu. The producer was on Priya’s side, and she on his,” the actress was quoted in an OnManorama report.
“Omar refused to change the heroine saying that Noorin was brought in by him. That was the beginning of all the problems. Later there were issues regarding the story of the movie. All this made the director very sad. The producer wanted to project the romantic angle between Priya and Roshan’s characters. He didn’t want the romantic scenes with Noorin to be shot. He asked the director to change the plot likewise. But since we had already promoted the film as a triangular love story, it was agreed that the movie would be shot in the way it is now shown in theatres,” she added.
Both Omar Lulu and Varrier’s co-star Noorin Sheriff recently revealed they were not in talking terms with the Priya Varrier. The director also accused Varrier and Roshan of interfering with the script.
Varrier refuted these claims saying that nobody’s character had to be sidelined to accommodate her’s.
Image Courtesy: DC