Sakthi Film Factory has acquired the Tamil Nadu theatrical rights of RJ Balaji’s new film LKG. The movie is written by the actor, and is said to be a political satire.
வரும் தேர்தலில் Lkg உடன் SFF மாபெரும் கூட்டனி அமைக்க உள்ளது@RJ_Balaji @VelsFilmIntl @sakthivelan_b @PriyaAnand #LKGயுடன்SFFகூட்டணி
— Sakthi Film Factory (@SF2_official) January 23, 2019
A former RJ and stand up comedian, RJ Balaji, apart from his role as a commentator in the IPL, has also been doing supporting roles in movies. His most famous performances are in the films Vadacurry and Naanum Rowdy Dhaan.
LKG marks his first appearance as a solo lead. Directed by debutant Prabhu, the movie is rumoured to be a remake of the Kannada film Humble Politician Nograj. Priya Anand plays the female lead in LKG.
A poster of the movie that featured RJ Balaji dressed as a politician had gone viral when it released. It lead to rumours that the actor was about to take his plunge into politics. This also had to do with how vocal he was during the Jallikkattu protests. However, the rumours died down when people got to know that the poster was solely to promote the movie.
The actor said it was a method devised by his team to get people’s attention. “We are not a big budget film, it is not an Ajith or Vijay film that everyone will talk about. If I had announced that I am going to unveil the first look of a film, a few people might be interested but that’s it. When you can generate interest through such ideas, it becomes effective and cost-efficient as well,” said the actor in an IE report.
Regarding the title of the film, he said, “There are two reasons to name the film LKG. The first is we are all LKG in politics, the main character is one. And the second, it’s a film for the entire family. There is a lot that will appeal to children and women as well.”
Vidhu Ayyanna is the cinematographer, and Leon James is the music composer for the film.