Actress Samantha, who is currently shooting for Vijay 59 and dubbing for Dhanush’s Thanga Magan, joined the sets of director Trivikram’s new film A…Aa this Thursday. Also starring Nithiin Reddy, A…Aa went on floors on October 16.
Hyderabad ????? shooting for what will be a super cute film . A…Aa ??. Glad to be back
— Samantha Ruth Prabhu (@Samanthaprabhu2) October 21, 2015
The regular shooting of the film, tipped to be a romantic drama, is currently underway at Ramoji Film City in Hyderabad. A…Aa also features Anupama Parameswaran, veteran actress Nadiya, and Ananya. Ananya will portray Nithiin’s sister. The filmmakers plan to release the film in February next year.