Silambattam actress Sana Khan and her partner were arrested in Mumbai when a media consultant complained to the local police that the duo had ‘assaulted’ her. In her formal complaint, the victim alleged that Sana, her partner Ismail and assistant Ramu had threatened her and touched her inappropriately. Following this complaint, the Mumbai police apprehended the accused, but they were soon out on bail.
The matter is currently being investigated.
Reports indicate that Sana and Ismail were angry over certain articles in the media which alleged that they possessed fake passports. The duo believed that Poonam was behind those false stories.
A few days ago, a Mumbai-based actor called Sahil Khan also filed a complaint against Ismail for attacking him at a gym in the city.
When contacted, a spokesperson for Sana said, “Sana will fight these allegations in court. As this is an ongoing legal issue, we cannot comment further.”
Image courtesy: Pinkvilla