Actor Santhanam’s untitled project with director Sethuraman has now been titled Sakka Podu Podu Raja. The film also marks Santhanam’s foray into action films. It has Vaibhavi Shandilya, Santhanam’s co-star from Server Sundaram, playing a pivotal role. A press statement said that Santhanam plays the role of a carefree youngster who takes care of his father’s business.
The film will star ace comedian Vivek in a prominent role. Apart from him, comedians like VTV Ganesh, ‘Powerstar’ Srinivasan, Robo Shankar, Mayilsamy are also part of the cast. Sampath and Sharath Lohitashwa will essay a negative role in the film. Actress Vaibhavi will be paired opposite Santhanam and Sanjana Singh will play Vivek’s wife.
The film went on floors early in October. Incidentally, Sakka Podu Podu Raja is the title of a 1978 film starring Jaishankar, Jayachitra and Sridevi in the lead roles, directed by SP Muthuraman. VTV Ganesh will produce the film under his home banner, VTV Productions.