Santhanam’s much-delayed Server Sundaram, which was due to release on July 6, has been postponed. The producer, Kenanya Films, is now on the lookout for a new release date. According to the movie’s director Anand Balki, the film will have a ‘grand’ release soon.
Dear Santhanam sirs fans and media friends thanks for all the support for Server Sundaram please note the release date has been postponed I know it’s very painful and stressing on behalf of production house I apologies we will have a grand release soon @iamsanthanam @Kenanya_Off
— anandbalki (@anandbalki) July 2, 2018
A spokesperson for the production house confirmed the development and said that efforts were on to secure a new release date. He denied rumours that financial issues were to blame for the delay. “All rumours regarding the release date are false. We are postponing, yes. But, not due to financial issues. We will come back with a new date,” he added.
The film sees Santhanam in the title role and veteran actor Nagesh’s grandson Bijesh plays the student of a catering college. Incidentally, the title also refers to the iconic 1964 film about a waiter-turned-actor played by Nagesh. Reports indicate that the two films have nothing more in common.
Kenanya Films acquired the rights to the title from AVM Productions. They even consulted late Nagesh’s family before announcing the project. Vaibhavi Shandilya plays the female lead in the film, which was launched in December 2015. Santhosh Narayanan came on board as music director, and, to make the experience as real as possible, popular chefs Damodaran and Venkatesh Bhat were cast in minor roles as well.
Much of the filming was done at a private university in Chennai. The team also travelled to Goa and Dubai to shoot some important scenes. The movie was wrapped up in 2016, and has been battling delays since then. Originally scheduled to hit screens in September 2017, it was postponed to July 2018. The wait for a new date begins.