Sathyaraj and Rajkiran have been roped in to play pivotal roles in director Pandiraj’s next, titled Kedi Billa Killadi Ranga-2. According to a report in the Times Of India, Pandiraj has signed on these two actors to play grandfathers to the male lead, played by GV Prakash. The plot revolves around these three characters.
Kedi Billa Killadi Ranga, released in 2013, had Sivakarthikeyan and Vemal in the lead roles. The new film, however, will bear no connection to the 2013 flick. An official confirmation on the cast and crew is awaited.
Pandiraj’s long-delayed Idhu Namma Aalu, starring Simbu and Nayanthara, might hit the screens this year. KBKR -2’s shoot is expected to begin in May, once GV Prakash completes his film with director Rajesh.