Actor Shaam is a happy man these days. After the mega hit that is his Telugu movie Race Gurram, the actor has been besieged with offers in the Telugu film industry. He is also a part of the Arya- Vijay Sethupathi starrer Purampokku directed by SP Jhananathan. In a recent interview, the actor revealed, ” My character in Purampokku is called Macaulay. He is a Police officer who believes in justice above everything else. There have been a lot of strict police officer type roles in Tamil films before. But, this is SP Jhananathan’s film. He gave me an entirely new image in Iyarkai. Likewise, he has given my character in this project a stylish avatar.” Purampokku is said to be a political thriller set around three characters who have vastly different ideologies towards life.
The actor says the script energised him and he immediately agreed to act in it. The script, Silverscreen has learnt, calls for an imported heroine apart from Karthika Nair.