Actor Shah Rukh Khan shared the first look poster of director Aishwarya Rajinikanth’s next. The film is a biopic of Mariyappan Thangavelu, the 21-year-old Indian Paralympic high jumper from Tamil Nadu’s Salem District. He won a Gold medal for India in the T-42 category of the 2016 Summer Paralympic games held in Rio de Janeiro.
The film will be a Tamil-English bilingual.
Khan tweeted on Sunday, January 1.
Here’s presenting the first look of the biopic on #MariyappanThangavelu, our very own national hero, all the best @ash_r_dhanush
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) December 31, 2016
Mariyappan, born in an economically backward family in Salem, was brought up by a single mother. When he was 5, he was run over by a bus while walking to school. The accident crushed his leg below the knee, causing it to become stunted.
The film will have music by young composer Sean Roldan, and cinematography by Velraj. Joker filmmaker Raju Murugan will write the film’s dialogues while GK Prasanna is the editor.