Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan and director Aanand L Rai of Tanu Weds Manu fame are set to collaborate for a film. The announcement was made by Khan’s production house Red Chillies Entertainment through its official Twitter handle. The film’s title will be revealed soon and its release is slated for 21 December in 2018.
Excited to announce our film with @aanandlrai & @iamsrk in association with @cypplOfficial.Releasing Dec 21, 2018.Title to be revealed soon!
— Red Chillies Entertainment (@RedChilliesEnt) August 30, 2016
Unsurprisingly, Red Chillies Ent. and Shahrukh Khan were trending on Twitter for two hours soon after the announcement. Rai and Khan’s interaction on social media hints that the movie’s title might be ‘too sweet’.
This one is most special to all of us. And the title is too sweet. Wait for it.— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) August 30, 2016
Aji aisa waisa meetha …Bahut Bahut meetha title ???
— AANAND L RAI (@aanandlrai) August 30, 2016
While there is no further information about Khan’s film, according to NDTV Movies, Khan will reportedly play a dwarf in this film with production going on floors in 2017. Red Chillies Ent. and Colour Yellow Pictures, owned by Rai, will be collaborating for the first time, too.
Red Chillies Entertainment, started by Khan and his wife Gauri in 2002, has produced and distributed many of Khan’s films including last year’s Dilwale, Chennai Express (2013), and Happy New Year (2014). The company has also formed a full-fledged film studio in India. The studio’s activities span across creative development, production, marketing, distribution, licensing, merchandising and syndication of films in India and worldwide.
Meanwhile, Shahrukh Khan has one release this year – Dear Zindagi – with Alia Bhatt, directed by Gauri Shinde of English Vinglish fame. The actor also has action-thriller Raees, directed by Rahul Dholakia, slated for a late January release next year. The actor will be essaying a noir character as a bootlegging kingpin. He is currently in Prague shooting for Imtiaz Ali’s The Ring with Anushka Sharma.