Hollywood actor Shia LaBeouf has apologised after a video showed him using racial slurs against a black police officer, after being arrested for being drunk in public.
According to a report, the Transformers actors said he was deeply ashamed of his behaviour and admitted he had been struggling with addiction for far too long.
The 31-year-old actor took to Twitter as he apologised for his actions.
— Shia LaBeouf (@thecampaignbook) July 12, 2017
Shia is seen yelling at the officer who arrested him: “You’re going to hell, straight to hell, bro.” He also alleged that he had been arrested for “being white.”
The police confirmed that he had been abusive in front of children, and disorderly. “He was told to leave the area and refused, becoming aggressive toward the officer,” the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department said in a statement.
Shia was earlier arrested in January 2017 while protesting at an anti-Trump art show, #HeWillNotDivideUs.
Pic: Screen Daily