One of the three producers of Mohanlal’s upcoming Malayalam film, Laila O Laila stated on Facebook on Tuesday that the shooting of the film has been completed. Amala Paul plays the female lead in this film which is directed by ace Malayalam filmmaker Joshiy. This is second time Amala Paul and Mohanlal are teaming up. Last time, the duo were seen in Joshiy’s Run Baby Run, which went on to become a blockbuster.
Suresh Nair, acclaimed scripwriter who penned Bollywood blockbusters like Kahaani, Bang Bang, Namastey London and D Day, has written the script for this film. This marks his debut in Mollywood.
The funds for the film was collected through a novel technique known as crowd-equity funding – A concept of funding used in western countries for start-up ventures. Three NRIs based in gulf countries – Santhosh Kottayi, Bijou Antony and Preeta Nair – are behind this novel idea.
Sathya Raj, Joy Mathew and Ramya Nambeesan are also playing pivotal roles in this film which is expected to hit the screens on April 30.