Kollywood actor Mansoor Ali Khan, who was detained by the Chennai Police a week ago, has now got the support of actor Silambarasan. STR came forward arguing for the release of Mansoor Ali Khan. He shared a video relating to the issue.
#STR #Simbu supports #MansoorAliKhan and will be meeting the police tomo, requesting them to release him.. pic.twitter.com/Q2axhq0y9U
— Kaushik LM (@LMKMovieManiac) April 20, 2018
He even went to the Chennai Police Commissioner’s office in Egmore, Chennai to request the release of Mansoor Ali Khan. Later, Simbu addressed the press and said, “Mansoor Ali Khan is fine and they’ve detained him with proper evidence but they’ve assured there will be a decision soon.” He added, “One thing I want to make it clear that Mansoor Ali Khan was arrested for questioning something, but he’s not the only one who did that, there were others too, so why aren’t they arrested?”
#STR meeting the press at #Egmore Police Commissioner office..
He went there to give a petition requesting the release of Actor #MansoorAliKhan pic.twitter.com/Um73Hrqa9P
— Ramesh Bala (@rameshlaus) April 21, 2018
Last week during the Cauvery protest, Mansoor Ali Khan was protesting with NTK Seeman, director Vetrimaaran and others. He and the others were arrested by the police. The protesters were remanded to judicial custody.
Incidentally, Simbu and Mansoor Ali Khan are working together recently for a Mani Ratnam film.
Courtesy: Thanthi TV
Meanwhile, Nadigar Sangam General Secretary and actor Vishal Krishna called for a meeting to discuss actors’ salaries. Simbu, after his meeting with the police commissioner, went to the meeting. Vijay Sethupathi, Karthi, Suhasini Mani Ratnam and others were also present.
At #NadigarSangam Meeting !@VishalKOfficial @Karthi_Offl #STR pic.twitter.com/QRlOZBlLLu
— Nikkil (@onlynikil) April 21, 2018
In the meeting, Vishal and other members of the group have condemned SV Sekar for his defamatory comment against women working in the media, “SV Sekar’s derogatory comments against my sisters in the media are condemnable,” said Vishal during the meeting.
Sekar, in a Facebook post, alleged that women journalists sleep around to get work.
Read: Actor Silambarasan: The Current Favourite Of The Tamil Meme Nation