Popular playback singer Suchitra Karthik’s Twitter account seems to have fallen in the wrong hands. Her Twitter timeline now looks like a battlefield with references to Isha “Sadhguru”, actors Dhanush and Simbu. Fans and followers of the 34-year-old singer have called out the hacking in their tweets, and these tweets were later retweeted by the hacker.
Her Twitter bio has been constantly changing as well. It first read, “Officially hacked account of genius/detective S. big fan of chinmayee, rj Balaji and DD. Believes Vijay TV will save the world [sic].”
It has now been changed to, “Hi, pls follow me.”
Hey @SadhguruJV I have twice as many followers as you. #justsayin pic.twitter.com/TBaceNk1Ws
— Suchi (@suchitrakarthik) February 20, 2017
Smbdy would also like me to warn my followers about a huge sex scandal that is about to erupt in an ashram near Coimbatore. Please stay safe
— Suchi (@suchitrakarthik) February 20, 2017
I didn't want to out this #Dhanush I always play fair. But @SadhguruJV Won't stop messing. So war, it is. pic.twitter.com/MEsWm0bnwq
— Suchi (@suchitrakarthik) February 21, 2017
@suchitrakarthik hacked account! Ada ponga pa !
— Din (@iAmDineshVg) February 20, 2017
@suchitrakarthik @Vinothhcj the way u reply tells it's been hacked..
— MG (@MGtweeetz) February 20, 2017
@suchitrakarthik don't spoil ur husband's name
— arjunramani (@arjunmba13) February 20, 2017
The singer is married to former actor and stand-up comedian, Karthik Kumar.
Pic: MusicPerk