The Hyderabad Police have reportedly arrested six people for blackmailing Baahubali 2‘s makers and producers, including Karan Johar. They allegedly threatened to leak pirated versions of the film if the producers did not give in to their demands. According to a Mid-Day report, the six people wanted a sum of Rs 15 Lakhs from the producers.
The six people, police found, were regular offenders, with a history of selling and uploading pirated copies of new films on the internet. Among those arrested, one of the accused is the owner of a theatre in Bihar.
On April 29, cyber crime sleuths of the CCS, received a complaint from Arka Mediaworks and the producer alleging that a man called Rahul had approached them, posing as a member of an anti-piracy agency and demanded Rs 15 lakh from the producers to not upload the HD copy of the film online. The cyber crime police registered a case and caught Rahul Mehta, one of the six people, on May 11 from Hyderabad. Based on his information, the rest were arrested in Delhi and Bihar.
Investigation also revealed that one of the accused called Monu had helped the group to get a copy of the digital print of the film with the digital key supplied by the distributor, while others accused had earlier been arrested in 2015 by the Jabalpur police for pirating Baahubali: The Beginning.