The Hindi film Special 26, starring Akshay Kumar and Kajal Aggarwal, will be remade in all four South Indian languages. The Tamil title for the film is 26. The rights for all the remakes (Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam) have been purchased by actor-director-producer Thiyagarajan. Prashanth will reprise Akshay Kumar’s role, along with a leading heroine reprising Kajal Aggarwal’s role.
The supporting cast for 26 includes Sathyaraj, Prakash Raj, Thambi Ramaiah, Nasser, Abi Saravanan, Robo Shankar, Jai Anand, Besant Nagar Ravi, and Devadarshini. Actresses Devayani and Simran will have guest roles. Also, Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez will dance with Prashanth for a song in the film.
Shooting of 26 will go on floors shortly. The film is scheduled to release in April.
Prashanth has been for Saahasam for almost a year now. Saahasam‘s release is also expected in early-2016.