Sri Reddy says she is on a mission to rid the film industry of the casting couch. The actor, who came into prominence with her accusations of sexual harassment against leading film industry figures, says she wants to expose the dark underbelly of the Southern film industries. Recently, she started posting under the hashtag #TamilLeaks, and targeted actor Srikanth, actor-director Raghava Lawrence and director AR Murugadoss.
In a phone conversation with Silverscreen, she says that she wants to do what is right so that other people do not find themselves in the situation that she is in. “I have been duped time and again. I have been called names for telling the truth, but I don’t care. At some point, the truth must come out,” she adds.
The actor does not follow a plan and seems to be figuring things on the go. “This is not a movie to follow a schedule. I do what I feel. I am an emotional person. These people have used me and abused my trust. Till now, nobody has come to offer me support. Someone called me a sex worker, but I never took any money.”
Sri says that she had faith in the system and thought that it would help. “But, both MAA (Movie Artistes’ Association) and the Nadigar Sangam have let me down. They have not responded to my calls or backed me. In fact, nobody has come out in my support; they are only throwing stones at me.”
The actress says she wants her story to serve as a cautionary tale for anyone who believes that the ‘casting couch’ can be a fast route to success. “Most of the time, there is only abuse. I went along with many things so that I could become an actor. But, I only got cheated. I was forced to do drugs among other things, for nothing. Now, when I ask for what is due, they say I am lying. Why would I lie about these things?”
Raghava Lawrence recently called out the actress on her claims and said he had never met her. He also said he was ready to offer her a role in his film, if she took part in an open audition in front of the press. Sri says that such a response from the actor proves that her accusations are true. “It definitely hit a nerve in him. If not, why is he so angry? And, why did he take so much time to respond?” she asks.
As for his ‘open audition’, Sri says that she has posted several videos showcasing her skills on her Facebook page, and that should be enough. “There are so many social media stars these days. Why should I audition now? As far as I’m concerned, I already did that for him. Just tell him to give me my role.”