Shah Rukh Khan has many faces. He is often humble. About his looks, his performances, and the wealth he has amassed thus far because of them. He says ‘Inshallah’ often and makes no bones about the fact that he owes his career, and his current state, all to God.
And so, when SRK made a typically SRK-like response at a recent press meet, the media did its usual media-like thing and breathlessly covered it.
SRK, who has won many awards in his career thus far, made a politically correct statement. He humbled himself before the press and said that he hasn’t had a National Award worthy performance thus far.
“I don’t think there is any performance of mine till date that could or should have got national award. I don’t perform according to winning awards. If I don’t get an award I don’t deserve it,” he said.
He then rationalised the awards he got, and the ones that he didn’t get.
“It’s kind of audience, jury members and filmmakers that I have won so many awards. For me, to sit back and think about winning award for that (film), it would be demeaning any award. If I did not get it, I don’t deserve it,” he reasoned.
And that’s just fine. It’s upfront, honest, and is the kind of statement the public likes to hear from its stars. Only, SRK went on to confess that he also feels bad if he doesn’t get any award.
“Any award that I have received, I take it as a collective applause for the work that I do in a year or for a specific film. I do keep tap on awards, I try and work hard. I feel sad when I don’t win award,” he added.
So, he does not feel like his performances thus far are National Award worthy, says that if he hasn’t received an award, it’s probably because he didn’t deserve it. But, he also feels sad. Sad because he lost out on yet another trophy that he could add to his collection.
He also threw shade at award ceremonies. With the advent of televised award events, the allure had been lost, he said. While he acknowledged that all award events try to be credible, TRP ratings ultimately decide who the award goes to. “Everyone tries to be credible, but sometimes reasons of commerce and economics don’t let it go to an extent. The assumption would be for every award. We assume Indian academy awards will be authentic and also entertaining,” he said.
And, SRK also made no bones about his love of awards and applause. Which if you’ve been reading thus far, you would know already.
“I love awards. I have never made any bones about it. I love being an actor, love being a movie star and winning awards for my work. I have been working for years and some kind of recognition is good. For all artists, be it poet, singer, choreographer, dancer, painter, etc. you just want applause for your work,” he said.
And so, finally, it becomes quite difficult to comprehend what exactly the man meant. Does he want more awards? Should we give him more?
More interestingly, does he feel like he deserves one for the awful disaster that was Fan? Even SRK doesn’t seem to know.