Actress Sruthi Hariharan, who plays one of the leading ladies in Dulquer Salmaan starrer Tamil-Malayalam bilingual film Solo, says the women in the film have very prominent parts to play. Directed by Bejoy Nambiar, the film also stars Neha Sharma, Sai Tamhankar, Dhansikaa, and Arthi Venkatesh.
“Being part of Solo was amazing. It was special because of the prominence it gives its women. All of us (women) have very strong roles in the film. I like the way Bejoy portrays women in his films and it’s no different in Solo,” Sruthi told IANS.
While Sruthi remains tight-lipped about her role, she said she was thrilled to work with Dulquer. “It was a great experience. I got to learn so much from him and Bejoy. It was also challenging to shoot as we had to shoot each scene twice in two languages. It was like shooting eight films as this is an anthology featuring four stories,” she said.
Solo, which has hit the screens on Thursday, is a collection of stories with a mythical touch. It’s an anthology based on fire, water, earth and wind.