Looks like somebody’s fertile imagination is at work, if the recent bit of news circulating around Malayalam superstars Mammootty and Mohanlal is anything to go by. According to certain sections of the Bollywood media (mostly online portals), Aamir Khan, who was in town to promote his issue-based show, ‘Satyamev Jayate’ played a key role in bringing together the two supposedly warring actors!
The media in the North, automatically assumed that down South too there is no love lost between the two superstars like in the case of Salman Khan and ShahRukh Khan. However, unlike in Bollywood, superstars in most South Indian industries share a warm bond and are not known to change equations according to the fluctuating Friday box office results. When Kamal Haasan’s 50 years in cinema was celebrated, along with Rajinikanth, actors like Mammootty, Mohanlal, Venkatesh and Chiranjeevi came together to felicitate the legend. The same goes for Mammootty and Mohanlal, who though have been competing with each other for the past two decades, share an enviable bond that goes beyond their work. A few years back, when the two were invited for the IIFA awards, they travelled together, shared the same room and even reached the venue in the same car (a fact revealed by Mammootty himself during an interview). So next time, we suggest you do a thorough research before you let your imagination run haywire.