Simbu’s upcoming film Maanadu with director Venkat Prabhu will go on floors in May, producer Suresh Kamatchi confirmed. Talking to Silverscreen, Suresh Kamatchi said: “We will start shooting in May.” It had been earlier reported that the project would go on floors on STR’s birthday on February 3. When asked about the delay, the producer said “STR is currently in the US to get into shape for the role. The shoot for the movie will start after he returns.” Details regarding the female lead will be revealed soon.
Yesterday, the producer had put out a tweet dismissing rumours that the film had been shelved.
Request to stop the Rumours that the movie is been dropped. It is not that easy to start a movie as u stop it by your silly Rumour
We are very clear that #Maanadu is on.
Discussions and pre-production is on full swing.
Details about the movie and schedule to be revealed soon.— sureshkamatchi (@sureshkamatchi) March 19, 2019
Maanadu, a political thriller, was announced by Venkat Prabhu in December 2018. He released a first-look poster that read, “Stand for what is right even if it means standing alone.” The director is best known for his films Chennai 28, Goa, Saroja and Mankatha.
The moment all you #Strfans waiting for!!! We are really proud to announce our next #strvp title!! It’s #strmaanaadu #maanaadu #aVPpolitics #vp9 @sureshkamatchi @Deepanboopathy @Vijayakumar1959 @subbu6panchu with all your love and blessings!! #titleposter
— venkat prabhu (@vp_offl) July 10, 2018
About Maanadu, Venkat Prabhu said in an interview, “It’s a long-pending project. We have been talking about a possible collaboration for a long time now. STR suddenly called me one day, and I narrated the outline of the script and his character. STR liked the idea and gave his nod. The movie will be a different experience for STR. His fans will find his character exciting.”
Meanwhile, the director awaits the release of his new movie Party. The film has an ensemble cast headlined by Sathyaraj, Ramya Krishnan, Regina Cassandra, Shiva, Jai and Chandran, among others.
STR was last seen in Sundar C’s Vantha Rajavathaan Varuven(VRV). The movie, featuring Megha Akash and Catherine Teresa, was a remake of the 2013 Telugu hit Attarintiki Daredi starring Pawan Kalyan and Samantha. The film, directed by Trivikram Srinivas, became a hit upon its release. However, VRV, which released on February 1, performed poorly at the box office.