Stunt director Kaloyan Vodenicharov, who worked on SS Rajamouli’s Baahubali, has been roped in to choreograph the stunt sequences in director Atlee’s second film, Theri. Shooting of Theri is nearly complete, with the climax portions scheduled for the remaining few days. Speaking to The Times Of India, Atlee said that Kaloyan, along with stuntmen from Hollywood, would be shooting the climax portions.
Recently, the first look posters of Theri were released with wide circulation on Facebook and Twitter. Vijay is depicted in three different outfits in one of the posters, fuelling speculation that he might have a triple role in the film. At least one of these potential roles is that of an emotional cop. The lyrics for Theri‘s opening song will be released on December 1.
A family entertainer, Theri stars Vijay, Samantha, and Amy Jackson. Music director GV Prakash will be scoring the music.