Sudhanshu Pandey is excited to be back in the Tamil Industry again. The actor, who was last seen in Magizh Thirumeni’s Meagamann as one of the seven villains, is the main antagonist in the upcoming Gautham Karthik starrer Indrajith. “Kalaprabhu (the director) has given me quite an interesting role. I play a suave archeological officer named Kapil Sharma in the film and it’s been a great experience. We started filming in early 2014 and it’s been a year.”
The film has been wrapped up and post production work is on. Sudhanshu tells us that “Indrajith has elements of fantasy in it and is about a man on a quest. There are shades of Indiana Jones in it, but is not exactly similar to the Hollywood film.”
The actor is also looking forward to having a long career in the Tamil Film industry, a prospect which seems to excite him. “I love the way everything works in Kollywood. I’ve done around twenty Hindi movies and one Hollywood film. Despite it all, I feel most at home being part of the industry here. There’s just something very welcoming about this place.” Sudhanshu is hopeful that his ‘powerpacked’ role in Indrajith gets him more Tamil film offers. “I feel that this is the right time and place for me. I hope that the response to my role in Indrajith gets me more Tamil movies. Not just bad roles, but every other type of part out there!”
Sudhanshu, who spent his early years as part of a band called the Band of Boys, is also receiving offers to restart his singing career. The former model will soon go on a trip abroad with his band and is looking forward to the experience. “I think it’s time that I acted the part of the Rockstar, don’t you?”