The casting process for the much awaited biopic of late Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy is on. While Malayalam superstar Mammootty is set to play the role of the renowned politician whose life ended in a tragic helicopter crash that left the state government unstable, the latest is that actor Suhasini has been roped in to play the role of Sabitha Indra Reddy, who was the first female Home Minister of Andhra Pradesh.
Director Mahi V. Raghav was keen to cast the actress because he felt she would not just be perfect for the role in terms of her acting skills but would also be able to pull off the Hyderabad-based politician’s look.
Suhasini, on her part, is said to have okayed the role without any second thoughts since she was keen to be a part of the biopic.
Titled Yatra, the film will focus on YSR’s stellar political journey and his rise to the post of Chief Minister, before he eventually saw a tragic death in an accident. Telugu actor Rao Ramesh has been roped in to play his trusted aide, K.V.P. Rama Chandra Rao.