Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma’s short film on actress Sunny Leone, Meri Beti Sunny Leone Banna Chaahti Hai, opened to wide discussions on social media platforms last week. The movie is said to be about the hatred Sunny had received when she was an adult star, years ago.
Sunny Leone, meanwhile, has decided to not comment on the film or her previous career, according to a Mid-Day report.
The Jism 2 actress is currently shooting at Jim Corbett National Park for a reality show. “Even as her publicist claims she is in a no-network zone, sources say, her image management team has told her to avoid discussing her past if she intends to pursue a Bollywood career,” the report states.
Recently, RGV’s distasteful tweets about the actress earned him the ire of an activist, and a case was filed against him. The Sarkar 3 director began International Women’s Day on March 8 with a series of unappealing, insensitive tweets on women.