Actress Sunny Leone wants to expand her horizons in e-Commerce. The actress feels she is a ‘product of social media’ and her Bollywood career may not last long, hence this back-up plan. Talking at the launch of her mobile app, Leone said, “I realised it quickly in my journey here that it’s only I who would have to adjust because Bollywood will never change. I always knew that I wanted to have my own e-commerce. The shelf-life of a Bollywood actor is not always long until you are Salman, Shah Rukh or Aamir Khan.”
The Sunny Leone app will give updates about the actress to the users and will be a culmination of all her social media profiles. The actress said “It is important for me to build my brand in such a strong manner that in case I don’t make beyond one film or a few films, I have something to fall back on.”
Sunny Leone has collaborated with New York-based start-up Escapex which has developed white label apps for personalities like Bob Marley, Wyclef Jean and 35 other celebrities. The actress said she is excited about interacting with her fans on the app, she herself is a follower of actor Sonam Kapoor’s social media profiles. “I like following Sonam. Every day, she does something new so she is quite interesting to watch. I would, in fact, want her to join me on my app! That would be fun. Also, Ranveer Singh keeps doing crazy and fun things and he has a great fashion sense as well!”