Actor Nikhil Siddhartha has reportedly agreed to act in a sequel to the 2014 bilingual supernatural thriller Karthikeya, directed by Chandoo Mondeti. Mondeti is likely to begin shooting for the film in 2016, after completing work on the Telugu remake of Premam with Naga Chaitanya. Nikhil is currently shooting for the crime-comedy Sankarabharanam.
Karthikeya (Tamil teaser here) starred Nikhil, Swati Reddy, and Tanikella Bharani, and revolves around a temple devoted to the Hindu god Karthikeya, situated on the border of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Nikhil plays a medical student and atheist who is drawn into the mysterious deaths around the temple while attending a medical camp in the area. The film was well-received by audiences and critics, and nominated for a number of Filmfare awards.