Politician Nanjil Sampath is the latest actor to be approached for Vijay’s upcoming movie Thalapathy63. He had recently made his acting debut RJ Balaji’s LKG that released this Friday.
According to a source, “Atlee had recently approached Nanjil Sampath and even narrated him the script. However, due to his other commitments, he is yet to decide on the project.”
Sampath, currently an AIADMK member, had played RJ Balaji’s father in LKG. He reportedly also signed up for Nenjamundu Neramaiyundu – produced by Sivakarthikeyan.
Nanjil sampath joins #Thalapathy63
~@Vijay63_Movie pic.twitter.com/5RG6hMrEbR
— #Thalapathy63 (@Vijay63_Movie) February 24, 2019
Earlier, the makers of Thalapthy63 had announced that Kathir was also part of the movie. Vivek, Yogi Babu, Daniel Balaji and Anand Raj are also part of the cast. Thalapathy63 is produced by AGS Entertainment. The pre-production activities for the film began with a pooja at Binny Mills, Perambur. The shooting for the film is currently underway in the city.
Vijay is rumoured to be playing a sports coach in the film. A TimesNow report says that Vijay’s character from the movie is called Michael – a footballer from North Chennai. According to a report, Vijay had undergone physical training under the guidance of a trainer for the role.
Recently, it was reported that 16 new actresses have been signed on for the film. The report also says that special training has been imparted to these actresses to help them perform the sports scenes. However, there has been no official confirmation from the makers about the casting.
A.R. Rahman is the music composer for the project while Vivek is the lyricist. As for the rest of the crew, Atlee has chosen the Mersal team, including editor Antony Ruben, stunt director Anal Arasu and art director Muthuraj. Reports also suggest that, like Mersal and Sarkar, the current film will also be a Deepavali release.
Image Courtesy: Puthiya Thalamurai