Theri, starring Vijay, Samantha, and Amy Jackson has collected Rs. 100 crore worldwide within a week of its release. The film’s producer Kalaipuli S Thanu and Vijay tweeted that the film collected Rs.100 crore within 6 days. By this statistic, Theri has set a record of reaching 100 crores in the shortest span of time. Earlier, it took 14 days for Vijay’s Kaththi to collect Rs.100 crore worldwide in 2014.
Meanwhile, the film has also grossed $1 million through its USA theatrical release. The USA distributor Cine Galaxy USA announced on Twitter:
It’s #MillionDollarsTHERIBaby in North America by 4/21 officially. Thanks 2 Vijay Fans & Tamil Movie Lovers for supporting us! #THERI
— CineGalaxy (@CineGalaxyUSA) April 22, 2016