Actress Tamannaah was recently conferred with an honarary doctorate in Mumbai. According to a press release, “The Confederation of International Accreditation Commission – CIAC, in association with KEISIE International University, South Korea, has conferred Tamannaah with an honorary Doctoral title for her contribution to Indian cinema. Also, WPDO has conferred her with the title of Peace Ambassador from India for her philanthropic activities. These titles were conferred upon her in Mumbai on July 22.”
Speaking about the honours, Tamannaah said: “I am extremely honoured and humbled to receive this doctorate by CIAC (Confederation of International Accreditation Commission). This comes with a lot of responsibility; I will always work towards fulfilling the same… I promise to work harder and keep contributing to Indian cinema and culture.”
Tamannaah is currently working on Vikram-starrer Sketch, directed by Vijay Chander, an untitled Hindi film directed by Chakri Toleti and a Telugu film directed by Kunal Kohli. The actress has completed shooting for her portions in Sketch.