Actress Trisha Krishnan, who celebrated her birthday yesterday, announced on Twitter that she will be playing the female lead in Sundar C’s Aranmanai 2, a sequel to the horror-thriller Aranmanai.
Aranmanai had Andrea, Lakshmi Rai and Hansika in the lead roles.
In this flick, the actress will be pairing up with Siddharth for the third time, after Nuvvostanante Nenoddantana‘ in Telugu and ‘Aayutha Ezhuthu‘ in Tamil. Trisha had recently announced that she would be doing a horror-comedy bilingual produced by her manager Giridar and directed by Govi.
Aranmanai 2 will be directed by Sundar C under Khushbu’s AVNI Cinemax banner.