Actress Urmila Matondkar, who was best known for her works in the 90s and early 2000s in Hindi cinema, has made a comeback to Bollywood after a hiatus. Looking fresh as ever, in a fancy saree and lots of jewellery, Urmila is seen dancing and singing in ‘Bewafa Beauty’, a recently released song from the upcoming Hindi film Blackमेल .
The song, composed by Amit Trivedi and sung by Pawni Pandey, features Urmila as a cabaret singer, with lyrics referring to infidelity and betrayal in love, the central theme of the film.
Featuring Irrfan Khan as Dev, the film has him play a cuckolded husband who, instead of confronting his wife (Kirti Kulhari) and her lover, Arunoday Singh, resorts to anonymously blackmailing them.
Directed by Abhinay Deo of Delhi Belly fame, the film also stars Divya Dutta, Omi Vaidya, Anuja Sathe, Pradhuman Singh Mall, Gajraj Rao and others. The film is slated for an April 6 release.
Watch the song here: