As the long-awaited Tamil film Valimai, starring actor Ajith Kumar, is finally set to hit the big screens on Thursday, the film’s earnings from its worldwide pre-sale business (Rs 96 Cr approximately) has already bested the numbers of Ajith’s 2017 film Vivegam (2017), as per a Pinkvilla report.
Vivegam earned Rs 85 crore approximately through its theatrical rights and previously held the record for the highest pre-release earnings for an Ajith starrer.
Out of Rs 96 crore, Tamil Nadu, the state where a majority of the actor’s fanbase is located, has contributed a majority share (Rs 64.50 crore) of the earnings, followed by Karnataka (Rs 4 crore). While the Kerala and north Indian markets’ account for Rs 2.50 crore each, the Telugu-speaking states, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, combined, have fetched Rs 2.50 crore. While the India market accounts for nearly Rs 76 crore of the total pre-release business, the overseas business of Valimai has garnered Rs 20 crore.
According to Pinkvilla, the numbers are excluding GST charges, but include “estimated values” for some places where the film is distributed through an “own release” model. The report also added that apart from the theatrical revenue, the film will earn an additional Rs 60 crore approximately from its non -theatrical “ancillary revenues”, including satellite, digital, and music rights.
Valimai, one of the most highly-anticipated films in Ajith’s career, is directed by filmmaker H Vinoth and produced by Boney Kapoor under his Bayview Projects banner in association with Zee Studios. While the film was previously set to release in theatres in January for Pongal, it was postponed due to a rise in Covid-19 cases. The action drama is now all set to release in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, and Kannada on Thursday. Apart from Ajith, Valimai also stars the actors Huma S Qureshi, Karthikeya, Bani, Sumithra, Achyunth Kumar, Yogi Babu, Raj Ayyappa, Pugazh. After Valimai, Ajith, Vinoth and Kapoor, will once again collaborate for a film, that is tentatively titled AK61.