Amoli, a documentary by Jasmine Kaur Roy and Avinash Roy, explores child sex trafficking and the case of missing girls, where statistics show that every eight minutes, a child goes missing. Partnering with various celebrities, the documentary is available in many languages.
The documentary opens with a police raid at a brothel. In a tiny space that’s 3 feet wide, the police find three girls hiding, persuading them to come out. They refuse, afraid of what might happen to them. Cowering in fear, they refuse until a lady comes into the frame and tells them it’s all fine, it’s all going to be alright. With eight girls rescued that day and with visuals of girls being rescued, the voiceover has real survivors talking about how they were sold off like vegetables by their parents to make ends meet. The 30-minute documentary explores the stories, the horrific incidents, and the reality that plagues this country.
Produced by Culture Machine, the documentary released on Monday in seven languages on YouTube and Facebook. The English one is narrated by Vidya Balan, the Hindi one is narrated by Rajkummar Rao, the Tamil one is by Kamal Haasan, the Kannada one is by Puneet Rajkumar, the Bengali one is by Jisshu Sengupta, and the Telugu one is by Nani.
Culture Machine’s CEO and co-founder, Sameer Pitalwalla said in a statement: “Fundamentally, the objective is to dissuade men from buying sex from children. We believe that a combination of fear and stigma is what will deter men in the short-to-medium term. This can only materialise through unequivocal political commitment, proactive law enforcement and strict and swift justice.”
Watch the documentary here: