The title announcement teaser of actor Vishnu Vishal‘s next is out now. The film has been titled MohanDas and is being helmed by Kalavu fame Murali Karthick. The film is being bankrolled by the actor himself under his Vishnu Vishal Studioz banner. This is the 6th production of VV Studioz after Velainnu Vanthutta Vellakaran, Kathanayagan, Silukkuvarpatti Singam, an untitled project, and FIR.
Vishnu is seen hammering something, a human being, possibly, with blood splattering all over his t-shirt and hands. He then walks up to a room, removes his t-shirt and smears the blood on his hands all over his ripped chest. We then find him dropping the t-shirt into his washing machine and sitting outside it anxiously.
The trailer begins with Mahatma Gandhi’s quote “The future depends on what you do today” and ends with his name, the title, Mohandas. There’s also a line that says that it might be a true story. We’ll have to wait to see why they chose the name of the man who preached ahimsa and his famous ‘three monkeys’ for this teaser…
Vishnu Vishal took to Twitter to release the teaser.
Here’s the TITLE ANNOUNCEMENT TEASER of my next, directed by @im_the_TWIST. This time the hammer is in my hands😉 @24frps @SundaramurthyKS @editorKripa @turmericmediaTM
PS: Watch it on your laptop or TV, YouTube is restricted to 480P on 🤳now
— VISHNU VISHAL – VV (@TheVishnuVishal) April 11, 2020
On Thursday, the actor had put out a poll asking if he should release the poster on Saturday. He also added that the shooting of the film was to begin today, but has been indefinitely postponed owing to the pandemic. After he received a positive response, he decided to reveal the title on April 11.
Wanted to start my next movie on April 11th, but life had different plansI still want to be positive n share the details on the same date, but only with your approval
A D V E R T I S E M E N TWe tried something different n have made a ‘Title Announcement Teaser’, but your decision will b final 😊
— VISHNU VISHAL – VV (@TheVishnuVishal) April 9, 2020
The thriller film will have Vignesh Rajagopalan handling cinematography, Sundaramurthy KS composing music, Kripakaran Purushothaman on the edit and Poorthi Pravin on costumes.
Meanwhile, Vishnu Vishal who was last seen in Silukkuvarpatti Singam, will next be seen in Manu Anand‘s FIR and Prabhu Solomon‘s Kaadan. While the former hasn’t completed production yet, the latter was set for release on April 2nd, 2020 which has now been postponed.
The FIR team had recently recorded a song titled ‘Payanam’ rendered by Abhay Jodhpurkar. The actor also announced that VV Studioz has stalled all post-production and promotional activity for their films and requested people to practice social distancing.
Be safe guys.Practice social distancing as much as you can.All operations of @VVStudioz office and #FIR movie have been limited .#HealthFirst The best we can do is follow protocols that wil keep us and our family members and people around us healthy🤗
— VISHNU VISHAL – VV (@TheVishnuVishal) March 19, 2020
Watch the title announcement teaser of MohanDas here.