Actor Vishnu Vishal has signed his next film with director Ezhil. Confirming this on Twitter, the actor added that the cast and crew of the movie will be announced in the coming weeks. His tweet read:
Happy to announce my untitled project with dir Ezhil sir:) details regarding producer and cast n crew soon 🙂 need ur support n wishes??
— vishnu vishal (@actor_viishnu) July 31, 2015
Director Ezhil’s previous film, Vellaikara Durai starring Vikram Prabhu and Sri Divya opened to lukewarm response. The director had earlier announced that his upcoming projects will be on the lines of his previous movies.
Actor Vishnu Vishal is now shooting for Veera Dheera Sooran, helmed by director Shankar Dayal in the city. Further, the actor is also waiting for the release of director Seenu Ramasamy’s Idam Porul Yeaval, which has been awaiting release for a long time now.