Popular VJ and actress Ramya, recently, took to Twitter to announce that she was parting ways with her husband Aparajith Jayaraman on mutual consent. Ramya added that her focus was strictly on her career. The television anchor is also working as a radio jockey at BIG FM.
Jus to put all rumours to rest,yes i have ended my marital relationship on mutual consent.(1/3)
— Ramya Subramanian (@ramyavj) September 10, 2015
Ramya also made a request to the media and her well wishers to not to invade her privacy as this was an issue involving two families. The rumors about her divorce have been doing the rounds for a couple of months now.
I sincerely request my friends from media/well wishers 2 respect my privacy as this is a sensitive n personal matter involving families(2/3) — Ramya Subramanian (@ramyavj) September 10, 2015
The couple got married on 21 Feburary 2014, and celebrities from Tamil industry including Suriya and Jyothika had attended the star-studded wedding function.