On Saturday evening, actress Aishwarya Rajesh took to Twitter to share a speech she gave at a recent Tedx event held in the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Trichy. In the video, she talks about her journey from being a lower-middle-class girl in a slum housing board in Chennai to becoming one of the most sought after stars in the Indian film industry.
The event held on January 11, 2020 saw six speakers including Aishwarya speak on the theme ‘Colour Beyond The Lines’. Joining the actress was entrepreneur Sidd Ahmed, ethical hacker Sai Satish, geologist Mohan Shanmugam, social entrepreneur Chandrashekaran and civil servant Sibichen Mathew.
Very happy to be part of @TEDx @TEDx_IIMTrichy shared My Journey To Success here is d link .. https://t.co/kzO2hT2EQo
— aishwarya rajessh (@aishu_dil) May 23, 2020
The star’s life hasn’t been a bed of roses. From witnessing two tragic events at a very young age to being a victim of sexual harassment and colourism, the actress explains how she rose through it all. Going down memory lane, she talks to the gathering how she started with a marketing job outside a retail store, which paid her a few coins to support her family, then took to the small screen which gave her little recognition and finally ended up in films, despite all the hurdles.
Her learning experiences, the courage she imbibed from her mother, the difficult transition from a critically acclaimed film like Kaakka Muttai, where the actress took up the role of a mother, to a women-centric film like Kanaa and the undying confidence she had in herself… she speaks about it all leaving one feeling bittersweet.
Watch her speech here: