Malayalam director R.S. Vimal held a special puja at the Padmanabha Swamy temple in Trivandrum, Kerala to start the production of his new film Mahavir Karna starring Vikram. A venerated bell will become part of a 30-feet chariot being built at the Ramoji Film City in Hyderabad for the movie.
#MahavirKarna starts from the land of Sree Padmanabha.
Received a holy Temple Bell in front of Sree Padmanabha which is going to be a part of the 30 feet hight chariot of Karna in the movie.
From today we have started building the Chariot.— MahavirKarna (@MahavirKarna_) December 3, 2018
It was first announced that the title would be Karnan, and would feature Prithviraj in the lead role; but when he backed out, the one-film-old director roped in Vikram. The movie was then picked up by the New York-based production house United Film Kingdom. What was supposed to be a Malayalam film grew into a Rs.300 crore movie that will be shot in Hindi and will release in 32 languages.
Posted by RS Vimal on Sunday, January 7, 2018
Talking about the movie earlier this year, Vimal said in a ManoramaOnline report, “Karnan was supposed to be a small project in Malayalam, but the new one will be entirely different. I have decided to make this movie in an international sphere after considering the interest of the producer. Besides Vikram, actors from Bollywood and technicians from Hollywood would collaborate on the project.” An IE report now says that technicians from HBO’s television series Game of Thrones have been roped into work on the movie.
Currently shooting with Rajesh.M.Selva for the Kamal Haasan produced Kadaram Kondan, Vikram will start shooting for Mahavir Karna from January next year. The movie will be shot in Hyderabad, Jaipur and Canada.
“The filmmakers have plans to release the film in the first half of 2020,” said a source associated with the movie.
Starting off as a documentary filmmaker, Vimal had previously made a documentary titled Jalam Kondu Murivetaval based on the life Kanchanamala. This story became the theme for his directorial debut Ennu Ninte Moideen that released in 2015. Starring Prithviraj and Parvathy in lead roles, the film went on to become a huge hit, winning Vimal the Filmfare Award for Best Director.
Image Courtesy: Deccan Chronicle