The audio launch of director Vishnuvardhan’s upcoming action-comedy Yatchan will be held on August 3. Producer Dhananjayan Govind of UTV Motion Pictures confirmed the date, and also said that the entire cast and crew of Yatchan, including music director Yuvan Shankar Raja would be present at the event. The film has been in the making for nearly a year now, due to several delays. An official release date is also expected soon. The film had earlier been scheduled to release in August.
Recently, composer Yuvan Shankar Raja had fainted and been treated for extreme dehydration. His sister and singer Bhavatharini said that he would be back on his feet after two days of treatment.
Yatchan stars Arya, Kreshna, Swathi Reddy, and Deepa Sannidhi. Funded by Vishnuvardhan Films, Yatchan will showcase Arya as an ardent Ajith fan.