Amazon Prime Video today announced its romantic musical drama, Bandish Bandits, which will be available to stream from 4 August. Produced and created by Amritpal Singh Bindra (Bang Baaja Baaraat) and directed by Anand Tiwari (Love Per Square Foot), the new Amazon Original Series follows the love story of two young performers from very different musical backgrounds.
“Bandish Bandits is a story about the meeting of two individuals and cultures that are in many ways different, and yet in other ways incredibly similar,” says Anand Tiwari, director of the series. “While each character has a unique and compelling story, it’s how these stories come together which makes this series so powerful, romantic and real. I am beyond excited to bring this incredible tale of romance, beautifully told through the musical genius of composers Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy.”
The ten-part series stars Ritwik Bhowmik as Hindustani classical performer, Radhe, and Shreya Chaudhry as popstar Tamanna, alongside veteran actors including Naseeruddin Shah, Atul Kulkarni, Kunaal Roy Kapur, Sheeba Chaddha and Rajesh Tailang.
Bandish Bandits also features an original soundtrack composed by the trio Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy, who also make their digital debut with the show. Bandish Bandits will release globally on Amazon Prime Video.
Aparna Purohit, Head of India Originals, Amazon Prime Video, says, “Bandish Bandits is a musical romance about a young couple caught in a fusion of contrasting worlds, traditions and musical gharanas. It’s the first of its genre for Prime Video and we are thrilled to be bringing it to Prime members in India and around the world.”
“Bandish Bandits has been a true labour of love and we’re pleased to be able to stream it for a global audience,” says Amritpal Singh Bindra, Producer and Creator, Bandish Bandits. “While elements of the show are rooted firmly in Indian tradition and values, this is without doubt a modern musical romance that will appeal to a global audience. We can’t wait to take audiences on a journey of love, differences and discovery, led by Ritwik Bhowmik and Shreya Chaudhry, against a backdrop of soulful music.”