A former Bigg Boss contestant ‘Hindustani Bhau’ (whose real name is Vikas Pathak) has filed a police complaint against Ekta Kapoor over ALTBalaji erotica show XXX 2’s alleged denigration of the armed forces and Indian soldiers. The episode in question is titled Pyaar Aur Plastic and features actors Ribbhu Mehra, Paree Pande, and Aaditi Kohli. Right-wing accounts on Twitter also trended the hashtag, #ALTBalaji_Insults_Army.
We series XXX 2 shows a Lt. Colonel’s wife seducing her doctor (saying that the husband is only interested in his drinks & friends), dressing him up in her husband’s uniform and then spanking him in a role-play. She rips open the uniform shirt too. #ALTBalaji_Insults_Army pic.twitter.com/fxsi6zL9Sn
— HinduJagrutiOrg (@HinduJagrutiOrg) June 2, 2020
‘Hindustani Bhau’ who rose to fame posting abusive content online, took to his Instagram page to announce this war against Ekta Kapoor.