The trailer of actor Mammootty’s upcoming movie, Puthiya Niyamam (New Testament), is out, and it looks promising. The crime-thriller has Nayanthara playing the female lead, and this is the actress’ fourth collaboration with Mammootty, after Bhaskar The Rascal.
The trailer, which begins with the voice-over of a child, introduces the viewers to her family. Her father, Louis Pothen (mammootty), is a successful lawyer who handles divorce cases. Her mother Vasuki Iyer (a gorgeous Nayanthara) is a Kathakali artiste. It looks like the film is about the unexpected turbulences in their family life, and a murder case, in which Vasuki seems to be involved in. Like in Drishyam, the case is handled by a woman police officer (Sheelu Abraham). Rachana Narayanankutty plays a pivotal role in the film, which is directed by AK Sajan. The film is produced by P.Venugopal and Geo Abraham. Gopi Sunder has scored tunes for the film, and Vivek Harshan has done the cuts.