Actor Suresh was in the news a few weeks ago for stating that he would not support Baahubali and SS Rajamouli, as the director hadn’t cast any Telugu actors as main characters. The team had initially brushed aside the issue, but now in a recent interview with Indiaglitz, SS Rajamouli has responded, saying: “I have never held any bias towards actors based on the language they speak. In my previous films, I have cast Hindi, Tamil and Bhojpuri actors. I have also introduced Telugu actors in my films. I cast actors who I think will fit the role, irrespective of where they’re from or the language they speak. It is my job to cast the right person and I cannot fret over someone’s comments on this issue.”
Baahubali will release on the 10th of July in over 4000 screens worldwide. Made on a budget of 250 crores, this two-part film will be the most expensive Indian film to be made. Baahubali boasts an impressive cast that includes Prabhas, Rana Daggubati, Anushka Shetty, Tamannaah, Sudeep, Ramya Krishnan, Nasser and Sathyaraj in pivotal roles. Baahubali is a Tamil- Telugu bilingual, and has been dubbed into Hindi and Malayalam.