Actress Hansika who is awaiting the release of director Chimbudeva’s Puli, will play the female lead in director Ramprakash Rayappa’s next film. The film, according to a TOI report, will be a romantic comedy, in which Hansika will play the role of a Swachh Bharat volunteer. The film also stars actor Jiiva.
Vijay’s PRO, PT Selvakumar, will reportedly be producing the film. Jiiva and Vijay have a good rapport since the 2012 comedy-drama Nanban. Jiiva was present at the audio launch of Vijay’s upcoming film Puli.
The project will commence once Jiiva completes shooting for Thirunaal and Kavalai Vendam, and after Hansika wraps up Sundar C’s Aranamanai. The film will have music composed by Harris Jayaraj.