Baahubali director SS Rajamouli has denied writing a letter of appreciation lauding Guatami Putra Satakarni (GPSK) director Krish. The letter had been released to the media by GPSK’s PR team. The letter was published and went viral on social media as well. Now SS Rajamouli has posted a series of tweets to clarify that it is a fake letter. He says he has not written the letter, but it does contain excerpts from an interview he did with Krish.
When i was asked to do an interview with krish i obliged because i liked GPSK and genuinely appreciated it.
I was asked whether they can use— rajamouli ss (@ssrajamouli) January 26, 2017
the excerpts of the same interview for print media too and i agreed.
But, I was surprised to see when it was published as if I have written— rajamouli ss (@ssrajamouli) January 26, 2017
a letter. True the content is taken from the interview but the way it was phrased is a bit over dramatic. I asked krish and he said it is
— rajamouli ss (@ssrajamouli) January 26, 2017
his team's over enthusiasm. I waited for a clarification from them but it didnt come through.
My view towards the film, Krish and his team— rajamouli ss (@ssrajamouli) January 26, 2017
hasn't changed. I wish the film collects even more paving way for more historicals…Just that the letters are not written by me..
— rajamouli ss (@ssrajamouli) January 26, 2017
From all accounts, it looks like the PR team has gone overboard in an attempt to create publicity for a film that is reportedly already doing well at the box-office. There has been no clarification from the director and crew of Gautamiputra Satakarni as yet.